When Demons Come Alive! (Part1) Mission Name: Commander Grullef Created By: Lord Eden Release Date: 96/03/02 Player: NOD Difficulty: Hard Filename: demon1.zip File contents: savegame.666 , grullef.txt Tested on Command and Conquer v1.19p (English version) Savegame produced from v1.19p (English version) How to use this package -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Simply unzip the file grullef.zip into your Command and Conquer directory and you are ready to play. Use the savegame provided to start the mission. Mission Descriptions -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Commander Grullef, chief tech. commander of the gdi, has started working for the brotherhood. The traitor has giving away all plans of GDI's weapons to them. We sent a special patrol of elite soldiers to silence him. They got captured but we still have the contact with them. Break out from them prison and wipeout Nod troups so the MCV can arrive safetly. Build up an base and wait for your reinforcements. Use them to strike our Grullef in his Mobile HQ. Good Luck! Other Comments -=-=-=-=-=-=-= Commander Grullef is the first mission in the "When Demons Come Alive!" campain. It is my first level ever so dont expect to much now. Shoot the prison walls and clean your side of the river before the MCV arrive. Build up an base and wait for the tanks to arrive at the other side of the river. Nod has a quite big base but Grullef's MHQ is the only thing you have to strike. Comments, fan letters or further ideas can mailed to: (thomas.faldt@mailbox.swipnet.se) Hope you find this one enjoyable and look out for part 2: Secret Ways